Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You Can't Have Just One

This was going to be a tough sell.  Even by Nesto standards this was truly way out of left field.  I mean I had done some silly stuff before that set the bar pretty high for any of those around me for any length of time to be surprised by the unexpected.

My sisters could sit through a night of improve and comedy and start yawning.  My fault?  Maybe.

My friend the Cowboy had been used to my insanity and had stuck by me for almost eight years at that point.  He was the older brother I never had and would have probably kicked my ass had we really been related.  This was gonna be one of the countless number of times I had and would ask him for help or an opinion.  In this case I would get both.  So I called him when I was already half way there.

Me, "It's warm out and not even the closest neighbors can see the watering hole...
Look I'll figure out a feeding schedule and everything.  All I need is some time to figure this out."  I must have sounded like a kid trying to convince his dad that a hamster would make a great pet (which incidentally I had done about nine years earlier with my dad about 7 weeks before it died when I was entertained by how much it would eat if I didn't limit its food intake)

"You have really lost your mind.  Do you know what they'll do to us if this bird is tracked here?", uttered the Very unimpressed brother.  "Do you even know what this thing eats?"

"Of course.  The Caribbean species eats mainly brine shrimp which I can find a supply of and flies which the cattle will provide.", says the true genius.

"How the hell do you know that?", asked the  still-not-buying-the plan-rancher-dude.

"I read the sign in front of the freagin' cage at the zoo...  Look are you gonna help or not?  Pinky needs a place to crash.", almost-smelling-victory-man

"Just for a while!", him.

I made it to the ranch in record time and met my friend at the gate to the Overby place.  He freaked just a little when he saw the passenger and opened the gate for us to drive in.

Pinky looked pleased to be off of the highway where I had been trying to keep him out of sight under a sarape I had picked up in TJ.  After heading East on the second sendero we turned South towards the watering hole.  Most of the cattle were on the opposite side of the water and did not even seem to notice we were there.

Kind of a strange sanctuary for something so far from its home, but he seemed happy to be in the water, and got very excited when I started emptying the packages of brine shrimp I had gotten at the Wally World at 2 AM.  No one even batted an eye when I bought the entire stock of the petite freeze-dried crustaceans.

Had I really lost my mind or was this just another seemingly random act of curiosity mixed with insanity?  Like when I had worn the jockstrap with an over-sized cup under my work clothes at the office just to see who would be looking at the bulge.
Total count for that experiment:  twelve women and three men.

Soon all will become clear and the beer will wear off...
So what was my plan?

Cooler emptied...

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