Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Corporate Rodeo

Keeping it real via instant messenger...

Faded to make it look worn, or shabby chic.

Power to the low tech!!!

Today's Rugged individual would have been described as the out-doors type just a few decades ago.  Have we really gone soft?

"Give me just a sec. I am getting a text", nomad in the SUV.

So many questions and doubts were flying around in my head and always came back to center...

Why the Pink?
Why not the Pink?
Could I do this?
Couldn't I do this?
Was I built for speed or comfort?

Doubt and worry have always been a part of our wiring.  So many of us would just stop rebelling and feel defeated that when judging ourselves as sell outs.  Does that really make sense?  We are evolving.  Not in the sense of growing a third arm or sprouting wings and an extra testicle, but in the sense of allowing our human ingenuity to make some activities obsolete.  We should realize, however, that this does not absolve us from all physical activity but should bring us closer to making the most improvements with the least effort.  Ideas so simple can complicate themselves before fruition if we allow ourselves to be influenced by others' view on failure.

So we ended up trading the borrowed goats for a case of Shiner and a free one day rental of a margarita machine and moon bounce at the Beeville Flea Market.  That day was filled with celebration that further solidified the bonds.  If these were the spoils of war then recruiting would be easier than we thought.  Berzerkers didn't have it this good.

Eventually the sun set and the crowd thinned when the moon bounce and margarita machine were picked up.  Only the core members and a half dozen or so of interested recruits remained.  The group was turning into its own social event and could easily cover it's tracks with the most wonderful of alibis for our presence or absence from certain other happenings.  Local Sheriffs' departments do not typically get alarmed by parties out in the country when a portion of their off duty staff is tacking part in the festivities.  Freagin beautiful.  It also helped the sense of purpose in some perverse way.

"So what's next?", asked the rosy-cheeked rancher.
"non-lethal tactics", smug Nesto.

The look of shock passed on the faces of all seated within ear shot and a quick explanation was definitely in order.

"We aren't trying to kill anyone but accidents do happen.  Can any of us really afford to get thrown in for life?  Not me!  I saw this documentary the other night on crowd control used around the world"...
I could tell I was loosing them.
"How do you think they round up the hippies on college campuses when all hell breaks loose?"
In hind site this seemed like the flimsiest of arguments to be posing a group that was tasking itself with the release of Flamingos into the Wild of the Southern States...

The crowd accepted my argument and moved on to other topics like bull riding and real breasts vs. implants.

Can we really lose ourselves in an idea?
Can we lose ourselves in a series of events?

Achieving a goal is not always as easy to set out upon when the goal is unclear or changing as we go along.  Was it freedom for these birds or anarchy that I wanted? Did it really matter as long as I kept moving forward?

I had to re-center the best way I knew of.

No one else was at the pool that early.  Lane lines were up and the water was like liquid glass.  I waded in and took a deep breath and pushed myself off of the wall.  The feeling of the rushing water and air leaving my lungs was hypnotic.  Four strokes, breath...  Kind of like rinse and repeat it seemed like such a mindless and liberating action.  For a small period of time all was in focus.  Four more, breath...  Where was I going with this?  See the wall.  Flip, spin, and push off. Bubbles and water rushing.  After a half hour or so of this slow motion ballet everything was clear my mind sharp, my thoughts focused, and my shoulders burning...

The drive home from the gym was almost non-existent.  I readied myself for the days ahead and had my coffee.  I was the very definition of calm.

The day flew by and that night I dreamt of millions of the fuchsia-feathered wings taking flight.

The road ahead is still unmapped but the destination is clear.

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