Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wind Up Pacemaker

Spinning a moldy record and hoping for an electric eclipse.

Running at stall-speed and breaking records.

Lucky by accident.

Did I miss second base?

In retrospect we are all silly when you sit and think about it.  Everything from slapping an itch to apologising to the person that just beat your ass.

So my heart goes out to the guy that should have paid more attention to "Waiting to Exhale" and later I can only laugh at how he knew what he was getting into.  So many movies set an example where life should be imitating art...
Example:  Practice the Jedi Mind trick when you are alone versus when you are hanging out with your best friend.

We spend so much time on how not to make a mistake that we fail to recognize the sheer genius that went into committing the mistake in the first place.  We sit and over analyse ourselves into paralysis instead of just acting and letting the chips fall where they may and then get depressed over the time that we wasted when we discover an old man staring back at us in the mirror first thing in the morning.  I mean really where did life go?  Sad thing is it is looking right back at us.  we all talk about taking the time to do the important things and spend lifetimes making up our minds as to what those things are.  A wise man once told me that such thought and contemplation is little more than mental masturbation and can lead to lack of vision instead of blindness.  So much energy is spent on defining a good time and its limits that the good time itself completely escapes us.

Acting on impulse is not always a mistake or an excuse.

When is the last time you made a goofy face at someone at a stoplight just to get a reaction?
Have you ever just smiled because you can?

Ask yourself when the last time you ran out on the front porch in boxers, boots, and a cowboy hat holding a beer and shooting holes in the moon...

That is a good time.

Don't set up a script for your life and just live it if only for a weekend...

Yell obscenities in the shower.
Wear a wig for the hell of it.
Inspire those around you to laugh at themselves.

Release your Id my friends and embrace your crazy!!!

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