Thursday, February 3, 2011

Silly String Tanga

Realizing your uniqueness is not so unique is a uniquely common experience...

Treading water may be a good way to describe the feeling of not drowning.

Remember, The Journey of A Thousand Miles is one hell of a long walk no matter how you spin it.

Are we ever truly ready for the unexpected?  That was the only thought running through my mind along with the monumental, how much is too much boxers showing out the back of my pants?

The answer to the first is plan better,  and to the second, it doesn't really freagin' matter if you are going commando anyways.  In both cases you should remember a good belt.

I honestly would trade all my afterthought for forethought any day of the week but in the meantime it makes for a much more interesting life.  Example?

For the most part a complete stranger will put up with being called by women's names for about twenty minutes before actually attempting to knock you unconscious with a pool cue after having the name calling pointed out by his much less hammered buddies.  My opinion, Mary needs to really chill out when drinking with the likes of us...

OK so a speedo car wash may not have been the best idea in a small south Texas town, but the cause needed the funds, it was a hot day, and we were bored.

First order of business was making the signs easy to read as well as easy to carry.
Trashcan lids and sharpies

After spending a few minutes writing out CAR WASH on a few lids we needed to decide on a location that would be easy to see from the road and where the owners wouldn't mind the extra publicity.
Location, location, location?

One of the crew just so happened to be part owner of a small diner not far from the ranch and he was easy to convince to give us free rule over the parking lot and use of the water.  All he asked was to have first choice of the Speedo's we had procured for the spur of the moment event.

It was not long before we started getting noticed from the main road running through the town a bunch of the twenty somethings thought it was a funny idea and supported us just to be able to say they did and take pictures of the idiots in speedos washing trucks.  This and the older women weren't bad.  It made for a pretty entertaining afternoon.  It was the older single gentlemen that seemed to make things just a little too metro for the South Texas Town.  Although creepy at first, they turned out to be the best tippers and for some reason kept insisting that their tires were not clean enough...  Oh well.

At the end of the afternoon we had put together over $350.00 and about two dozen phone numbers.
The cash was very welcome and the numbers needed to be carefully sorted into three categories.
Six Pack Required, Fifth of Tequila, and I may need to have my stomach pumped later.

We were back in business...

Many would say that the cause was more of a non-cause invented to entertain the demented and give purpose to the under achievers.  To this I would have to agree that they were half wrong and leave it at that.

If asked I would just praise those involved and give the Man the bird and that as my friend Candid Ice would say is Real Talk...  To which I could only say, Sho Nuff.

So much time is spent on trying to decide how we will allocate our finite resources that we tend to forget the talents that we have in abundance and the perpetual joy they give both to the world around us as well as ourselves.  A smile, A creepy wink, and a cheesy thumbs up can go a long way if the timing is right and even further if the timing is questionable.  Not enough emphasis is given on the immeasurable power of honest joy...

My challenge to you is to find what you posses that cannot have a price assigned to it and make sure you share that with the world around you as if it were the most relevant Charity around.  A little bit of laughter goes a long way...

Big Love to All of You